Largest global survey on COVID-19 impact on children
10 Sep 2020
13 Jul 2020
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has forced the world’s schools to shut their doors to over a billion children. For the first time in human history, an entire generation has had their education disrupted.
13 Jul 2020
Around 10 million children may never return to school – this is an unprecedented education emergency and governments must urgently invest in learning.
SCSA horrified by the rape of a two-year-old at a hospital
8 Jul 2020
Save the Children South Africa (SCSA) is horrified by the reports of the rape of a two-year-old child at the George Mukhari Hospital, in Pretoria. The mother of the child left her at the hospital after she was reportedly told that the child needed to be isolated as it was suspected she had COVID-19.
COVID-19: The Forgotten Children
2 Jul 2020
COVID-19 could reverse gains made for African children
8 Jun 2020
A call for unified efforts to protect children
31 May 2020
Save the Children South Africa (SCSA) calls for unified efforts to protect children from the heightened risk of violence, exploitation and abuse during the COVID-19 outbreak. Since the start of the lockdown there has been a reported spike in child abuse.
Partial reopening of schools welcomed
20 May 2020
Save the Children South Africa (SCSA) welcomes the phased-in approach on the reopening of schools. The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, announced on Thursday that Grade 7 and 12 learners will return to school on the 1st of June. The prolonged closure of schools is a risk to the children’s education and wellbeing, especially for the most vulnerable children, who rely on school not only for their education, but also nutritious meals.
Vulnerable children must be included COVID-19 responses
15 May 2020
NIAWG commends the Department of Social Development in its extended and progressive effort to provide relief through food parcels, top-up grants, Social Relief of Distress Grant and special COVID- 19 Social Relief Distress Grant. However, we are concerned about the limitations in the eligibility criteria required to access these grants. Application for these forms of relief have required a South African identity document, in some cases are available to refugees and permanent residence permit holders.